Refund KAIF Platform та Galaxy Arena. Друзі, вже завтра вам буде доступний клейм монет з проектів KAIF Platform та Galaxy Arena.

21 Jul 2023, 19:21
Refund KAIF Platform та Galaxy Arena! Друзі, вже завтра вам буде доступний клейм монет з проектів KAIF Platform та Galaxy Arena. О 12 за UTC часом (15:00 за Києвом). Вестинги по проектам: KAIF Platform 6 місяців Galaxy 1 місяць Токени будуть нараховуватись рівномірно протягом всього вестингу 😉

Same news in other sources

21 Jul 2023, 19:21
Refund KAIF Platform & Galaxy Arena! Friends, we are thrilled to announce that as soon as tomorrow, you will be able to mint tokens from the KAIF Platform and Galaxy Arena projects. Starting at 12 UTC (15:00 Kyiv time), your tokens will become accessible. Vesting schedules for each project: KAIF Platform 6 months Galaxy 1 month Tokens will be distributed evenly throughout the vesting period 😉
Refund KAIF Platform & Galaxy Arena.
Refund KAIF Platform & Galaxy Arena! Friends, we are thrilled to announce that as soon as tomorrow, you will be able to mint tokens from the KAIF Platform and Galaxy Arena projects. Starting at 12 UTC (15:00 Kyiv time), your tokens will become accessible. Vesting schedules for each project: KAIF Platform — 6 months Galaxy — 1 month Tokens will be distributed evenly throughout the vesting period 😉